Sunday 22 January 2017

Day 12 - Standing

What does the word STANDING mean to me?

How am I living this word?

These words come up when I look at the noun: To Stand.

Make a Stand
Stand up
Stand firm
Be Strong
Do not Move
Do not allow oneself to be moved
Internal Force

Dictionary Definition


position, status, or reputation.
"their standing in the community"
synonyms: status, rank, ranking, position, social position, station, level, footing, place; More
the length of time that something has lasted or that someone has fulfilled a role; duration.
"an inter-departmental squabble of long standing"
synonyms: duration, existence, continuance, endurance, length of time, life, validity
"a squabble of long standing"
(of a jump or a start in a running race) performed from rest or an upright position, without a run-up or the use of starting blocks.
"I took a standing jump"
remaining in force or use; permanent.
"he has a standing invitation to visit them"
synonyms: permanent, perpetual, everlasting, continuing, abiding, constant, fixed, indefinite, open-ended; More

"It is interesting, because as I start to look at this word and how I have applied it in my own life.  I see that I haven't always been standing within and as myself, as my own 'force/power'  I have throughout my life in many ways, let others direct me, and when I have experienced myself as not in alignment with what is expected of me I would not always 'stand up for myself'.  This is less so these days, because as I have expanded within and as my process of self discovery and correction through self forgiveness, I have seen/realised and understood how I am accepting and allowing the direction of others, because in many ways I didn't really know who I was and what I wanted, so it was easier to go along with anothers idea of who I was, in relation to them, so little by little I was separating and loosing myself".

"Another point of what standing meant to me, is how I would avoid conflict at times, out of fear, of various things, including loosing money.  My standing would at times become a point of manipulation, so that I would just go along with another so that I was paid my wage, so often times not stand up within and as my own uncomfortable-ness and speak out".

Since process and re-defining the word standing, I see a completely different definition and within this myself, and this is that I have started to live the word standing, making a stand, as a natural expression of myself, without really thinking about it too much, it is here naturally as I align myself within and as best for all. 

Standing to me; is to be self honest, within each and every moment of breath, stand within myself and make sure that I am clear and understanding of why I do the things that I do, and who I am within them.

Standing to me is my commitment to myself to look at who I am within moments; where I am tempted to move, in emotion or feeling and instead, forgive what is coming up and stand within my own self honesty of knowing I am doing what is best for me.


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